
IELTS Graduation

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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 32 课时
适用专业 所有专业
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Vocabulary 1
    4. Language focus
    5. Listening
    6. Speaking
    7. Writing
    8. Study skills
    9. Vocabulary 2
    10. Grammar
    11. Dictionary focus
    12. Summary of this unit
  • Unit 2 Living together
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Vocabulary 1
    4. Vocabulary 2
    5. Language focus
    6. Writing
    7. Study skills
    8. Vocabulary 3
    9. Grammar
    10. Listening 1
    11. Speaking
    12. Listening 2
    13. Dictionary focus
  • Unit 3 Costing the earth
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Language focus
    4. Vocabulary 1
    5. Listening
    6. Speaking
    7. Writing
    8. Study skills
    9. Pronunciation
    10. Dictionary focus
    11. Vocabulary 2
    12. Grammar
  • Unit 4 Healthy body, healthy mind
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Speaking
    3. Reading
    4. Language focus
    5. Speaking 2
    6. Reading 2
    7. Vocabulary 1
    8. Writing
    9. Listening
    10. writing 2
    11. Dictionary focus
    12. Study skills
    13. Vocabulary 2
    14. Grammar
  • Unit 5 The world we live in
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Language focus
    4. Vocabulary 1
    5. Listening 1
    6. Pronunciation
    7. Speaking
    8. Listening 2
    9. Writing
    10. Study skills
    11. Grammar
    12. Dictionary focus
    13. Vocabulary 2
  • Unit 6 Going places
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Listening 1
    3. Reading
    4. Vocabulary 1
    5. Language focus
    6. Writing 1
    7. Grammar
    8. Speaking
    9. Listening 2
    10. Vocabulary 2
  • Unit 7 The world of work
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading 1
    3. Language focus
    4. Vocabulary 1
    5. Speaking
    6. Listening 1
    7. Pronunciation
    8. Writing 2
    9. Study skills
    10. Dictionary focus
    11. Grammar
    12. Vocabulary 2
  • Unit 8 Art and the city
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Labguage focus
    4. Vocabulary 1
    5. Listening
    6. Vocabulary 2
    7. Speaking
    8. Writing
    9. Study skills
    10. Dictionary focus
    11. Grammar
    12. Vocabulary 3
  • Unit 9 Tomorrow's world
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Vocabulary 1
    4. Language focus
    5. Listening 1
    6. Writing 1
    7. Speaking
    8. Writing 2
    9. Vocabulary 2
    10. Listening 2
    11. Pronunciation
    12. Study skills
    13. Dictionary focus
    14. Grammar
    15. Vocabulary 3
  • Unit 10 From me to you
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Language focus
    4. Listening 1
    5. Vocabulary 1
    6. Listening 2
    7. Speaking
    8. Wrting
    9. Study skills
    10. Dictionary focus
    11. Vocabulary 2
    12. Grammar







5.浸入式: 教师视频讲解贯穿始终,语言深入浅出、幽默诙谐,使学生充分浸入在英语教学环境中。


Allen Powell Dolby


Allen Powell Dolby


Dickie Dolby, Debra Powell, Mark Allen

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  • 全国教师资格证考试课程(小学 教育教学知识与能力)

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