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开课院校 云南财经大学
建议学习时长 48 课时
学科分类 英语/外国语言文学
适用专业 大学英语、英语专业
  • Unit 1 Business
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video
    4. LISTENING 1: Best of Both Worlds?
    5. LISTENING 2: Myths of Effective Leadership
    7. Unit Assignment: Give a presentation on how to be an effective leader
  • Unit 2 Behavioral Science
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. LISTENING 1: A Perfect Mess
    4. LISTENING 2:The Changing Business Dress Code
    5. Unit video
    7. Unit Assignment: Role-play
  • Unit 3 Developmental Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. LISTENING 1:Making the Right Decision
    4. LISTENING 2: Growing Up Quickly
    5. Unit Video
    7. Unit Assignment: Give a presentation to a group
  • Unit4 Fine Arts
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. LISTENING 1: Quilting's New Popularity
    4. LISTENING 2: A Different Path in Life
    5. Unit Video:
    7. Unit Assignment: Present a business plan
  • Unit5 Nutrition
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video
    4. LISTENING 1: Food Additives Linked to Hyperactivity in Kids
    5. LISTENING 2: The “Flavr Savr” Tomato
    7. Unit Assignment:Take part in a debate
  • Unit6 Education
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. LISTENING 1: Changing Ways to Climb the Ladder
    4. LISTENING 2: Life Experience Before College
    5. Unit Video:
    7. Unit Assignment: Reach a group decision
  • Unit7 Anthropplogy
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video:
    4. LISTENING 1:The Power of Serendipity
    5. LISTENING 2:Against All Odds, Twin Girls Reunited
    7. Unit Assignment: Tell a story
  • Unit8 Social Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. LISTENING 1: Training Chinese Athletes
    4. LISTENING 2:Until It Hurts Discusses Youth Sports Obsession
    5. Unit Video:
    7. Unit Assignment: Share opinions about sportsmanship



UNIT 1 Business 2
Q: What makes a good leader?
Unit Video: Model CEO 
Note-taking Skill: Using a chart to organize notes about main ideas 
Listening 1: Best of Both Worlds? 
Listening Skill: Listening for main ideas 
Listening 2: Myths of Effective Leadership
Vocabulary Skill: Understanding meaning from context 
Grammar: Gerunds and infinitives 
Pronunciation: Syllable stress 
Speaking Skill: Checking for understanding
Unit Assignment: Give a presentation on how to be an effective leader 
UNIT 2 Behavioral Science 
Q: How does appearance affect our success?
Listening 1: A Perfect Mess 
Listening Skill: Identifying details 
Note-taking Skill: Taking notes using a T-chart 
Listening 2: The Changing Business Dress Code 
Unit Video: Benefits to Being Messy
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary 
Grammar: Subjunctive for suggestions 
Pronunciation: Unstressed syllables 
Speaking Skill: Confirming understanding 
Unit Assignment: Role-play 
UNIT 3 Developmental Psychology 
Q: When does a child become an adult?
Note-taking Skill: Taking notes using key words and phrases 
Listening 1: Making the Right Decision 
Listening Skill: Making predictions 
Listening 2: Growing Up Quickly 
Unit Video: Millennials
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Grammar: Phrasal verbs 
Pronunciation: Sentence stress 
Speaking Skill: Giving a presentation 
Unit Assignment: Give a presentation to a group 
UNIT 4 Fine Arts 
Q: Why do people do things by hand?
Listening 1: Quilting’s New Popularity 
Listening Skill: Making inferences
Note-taking Skill: Using a split page to take notes and create questions
Listening 2: A Different Path in Life 
Unit Video: Guitars Handmade from the Bones of New York 
Vocabulary Skill: Word forms 
Grammar: Present perfect and present perfect continuous 
Pronunciation: Basic intonation patterns 
Speaking Skill: Avoiding answering questions
Unit Assignment: Present a business plan 

UNIT 5 Nutrition 
Q: How has science changed the food we eat?
Unit Video: The Science of Taste
Note-taking Skill: Editing notes after a lecture
Listening 1: Food Additives Linked to Hyperactivity in Kids 
Listening Skill: Understanding bias in a presentation
Listening 2: The “Flavr Savr” Tomato 
Vocabulary Skill: Prefixes and suffixes 
Grammar: Comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs
Pronunciation: Other common intonation patterns
Speaking Skill: Expressing interest during a conversation 
Unit Assignment: Take part in a debate 
UNIT 6 Education 
Q: Is one road to success better than another?
Note-taking Skill: Comparing and contrasting notes on multiple topics 
Listening 1: Changing Ways to Climb the Ladder 
Listening Skill: Listening for contrasting ideas 
Listening 2: Life Experience Before College
Unit Video: Interns in New York 
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary: formal and informal words 
Grammar: Simple, compound, and complex sentences 
Pronunciation: Highlighted words
Speaking Skill: Changing the topic 
Unit Assignment: Reach a group decision 
UNIT 7 Anthropology 
Q: How can accidental discoveries affect our lives?
Unit Video: Post-It Note Inventor 
Listening 1: The Power of Serendipity 
Listening Skill: Listening for signal words and phrases
Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on details
Listening 2: Against All Odds, Twin Girls Reunited 
Vocabulary Skill: Collocations with prepositions
Grammar: Indirect speech 
Pronunciation: Linked words with vowels 
Speaking Skill: Using questions to maintain listener interest 
Unit Assignment: Tell a story 
UNIT 8 Social Psychology 
Q: Is athletic competition good for children?
Listening 1: Training Chinese Athletes 
Listening Skill: Listening for causes and effects 
Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on causes and effects 
Listening 2: Until It Hurts Discusses Youth Sports Obsession 
Unit Video: Children in Sports 
Vocabulary Skill: Idioms 
Grammar: Uses of real conditionals
Pronunciation: Thought groups
Speaking Skill: Adding to another speaker’s comments 
Unit Assignment: Share opinions about sportsmanship 




作者: 杨有统


出版社:北京大学出版社; ( 2022年12月01日 )

作者简介: 杨有统







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