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开课院校 昆明理工大学
建议学习时长 32 课时
学科分类 基础英语
  • Unit1 Culture Makes a Diverse World
  • Introduction
    1. Introduction
  • Chapter1 Culture
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Chapter2 Intercultural Communication
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Unit1 Review
    1. Review
  • Introduction
    1. Introduction
  • Chapter1 Language and Culture
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Chapter2 Daily Verbal Communication
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Unit2 Review
    1. Review
  • Introduction
    1. Introduction
  • Chapter1 Defining Non-verbal Communication
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Chapter2 Exploring Non-verbal Communication
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Unit3 Review
    1. Review
  • Introduction
    1. Introduction
  • Chapter1 Values
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Chapter2 Visible Culture
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Unit4 Review
    1. Review
  • Introduction
    1. Introduction
  • Chapter1 Southeast Asian Customs and Festivals
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Chapter2 China and Southeast Asia
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Unit5 Review
    1. Review
  • Introduction
    1. Introduction
  • Chapter1 Education Context
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Chapter2 Intercultural Communication Context
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Unit6 Review
    1. Review
  • Introduction
    1. Introduction
  • Chapter1 Pragmalinguistic Failure
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Chapter2 Sociopragmatic Failure
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Unit7 Review
    1. Review
  • Introduction
    1. Introduction
  • Chapter1 Intercultural Adaption
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Chapter2 Intercultural Communication Competence
    1. Culture
    2. Warm-up Case
    3. Theory Introduction
    4. In-class Reading
    5. Broadening Your View
    6. Enhancing Your Global Understanding
  • Unit8 Review
    1. Review
  • Unit2 Verbal Intercultural Communication
  • Unit3 Intercultural Nonverbal Communication
  • Unit4 Western and Chinese Culture
  • Unit5 Southeast Asia: Culture and Interaction
  • Unit6 Intercultural Communication Context
  • Unit7 Pragmatic Failures in Intercultural Communication
  • Unit8 Bridging the Gap in the Intercultural Communication


Unit 01 Culture Makes a Diverse World

Chapter 1 Culture

Chapter 2 Intercultural Communication

Unit 02 Verbal Intercultural Communication

Chapter 1 Language and Culture

Chapter 2 Daily Verbal Communication

Unit 03 Intercultural Non-verbal Communication

Chapter 1 Defining Non-verbal Communication

Chapter 2 Exploring Non-verbal Communication

Unit 04 Western and Chinese Culture

Chapter 1 Values

Chapter 2 Visible Culture

Unit 05 Southeast Asia: Culture and Interaction

Chapter 1 Southeast Asian Customs and Festivals

Chapter 2 China and Southeast Asia

Unit 06 Intercultural Communication Context

Chapter 1 Education Context

Chapter 2 Intercultural Communication Context

Unit 07 Pragmatic Failures in Intercultural Communication

Chapter 1 Pragmalinguistic Failure

Chapter 2 Sociopragmatic Failure

Unit 08 Bridging the Gap in the Intercultural Communication

Chapter 1 Intercultural Adaptation

Chapter 2 Intercultural Communication Competence






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