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开课院校 中国音乐学院、北京语言大学艺术学院、四川音乐学院
建议学习时长 72 课时
学科分类 基础英语
适用专业 音乐专业
  • Part One
  • Unit One The Music Industry and Stage Performance
    1. Background Information
    2. Module 1 Dialogue
    3. Module 2 Listen and Talk
    4. Module 3 Read and Talk
    5. Module 4 View and Talk
    6. Module 5 Speaking Skill
    7. Module 6 Extended Learning
  • Unit Two Musical Instruments
    1. Background Information
    2. Module 1 Dialogue
    3. Module 2 Listen and Talk
    4. Module 3 Read and Talk
    5. Module 4 View and Talk
    6. Module 5 Speaking Skill
    7. Module 6 Extended Learning
  • Unit Three Musical Genres
    1. Background Information
    2. Module 1 Dialogue
    3. Module 2 Listen and Talk
    4. Module 3 Read and Talk
    5. Module 4 View and Talk
    6. Module 5 Speaking Skill
    7. Module 6 Extended Learning
  • Unit Four World Music
    1. Background Information
    2. Module 1 Dialogue
    3. Module 2 Listen and Talk
    4. Module 3 Read and Talk
    5. Module 4 View and Talk
    6. Module 5 Speaking Skill
    7. Module 6 Extended Learning
  • Unit Five Musicians
    1. Background Information
    2. Module 1 Dialogue
    3. Module 2 Listen and Talk
    4. Module 3 Read and Talk
    5. Module 4 View and Talk
    6. Module 5 Speaking Skill
    7. Module 6 Extended Learning
  • Unit Six Music Cultures and Communication
    1. Background Information
    2. Module 1 Dialogue
    3. Module 2 Listen and Talk
    4. Module 3 Read and Talk
    5. Module 4 View and Talk
    6. Module 5 Speaking Skill
    7. Module 6 Extended Learning
  • Unit Seven The Functions of Music
    1. Background Information
    2. Module 1 Dialogue
    3. Module 2 Listen and Talk
    4. Module 3 Read and Talk
    5. Module 4 View and Talk
    6. Module 5 Speaking Skill
    7. Module 6 Extended Learning
  • Unit Eight Popular singers
    1. Background Information
    2. Module 1 Dialogue
    3. Module 2 Listen and Talk
    4. Module 3 Read and Talk
    5. Module 4 View and Talk
    6. Module 5 Speaking Skill
    7. Module 6 Extended Learning
本课程由中国音乐学院英语教研室副教授郭锦霞主编;音乐教育系教授、博士生导师刘沛全稿主审;中国音乐学院研究生、美国威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin-Madison)钢琴演奏与教学法专业博士姚紫津、2015级国乐系本科生古筝专业,师从古筝大师、中国音乐学院王中山教授的任洁共同担纲主讲。





