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建议学习时长 48 课时
学科分类 英语
适用专业 大学英语、英语
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video: Colors in Business
    4. Reading 1: Unusual Ideas to Make a Buzz
    5. Reading 2: How Do You Decide?
    6. Unit Assignment: Write a descriptive paragraph
  • Unit 2: Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: How Colors Make Us Think and Feel
    4. Reading 2: The Importance of Color in Business
    5. Unit Video: Pantone Color Company
    6. Unit Assignment:Write a proposal for a business
  • Unit 3: Social Psychology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: Being Polite from Culture to Culture
    4. Reading 2: Answers to All Your Travel Questions
    5. Unit Video: Cell Phone Politeness in Japan
    6. Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph with supporting examples
  • Unit 4: Sociology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: Money and Sports
    4. Reading 2: The Technology Advantage
    5. Unit Video: Under Armour Speed Skating Uniforms
    6. Unit Assignment: Write an opinion paragraph
  • Unit 5: Business
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video: Zippers
    4. Reading 1: Family Unity Builds Success
    5. Reading 2: The Challenge of Running a Family Business
    6. Unit Assignment: Write a plan for a family business
  • Unit 6: Information Technology
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Unit Video: Robot Waiters
    4. Reading 1: Memo to Restaurant Servers
    5. Reading 2: I Hate Machines!
    6. Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph describing a process
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: Think Before You Toss
    4. Reading 2: In Praise of the Throwaway Society
    5. Unit Video: One Man’s Trash, Another’s Treasure
    6. Unit Assignment: Write an opinion paragraph
  • Unit 8: Public Health
    1. Unit Objective
    2. Preview the Unit
    3. Reading 1: Flu FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
    4. Reading 2: Watching Over the Health of Millions
    5. Unit Video: Avian Bird Flu Fears
    6. Unit Assignment: Create an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page



UNIT 1 Marketing 
Q: Why does something become popular?
READING 1: Unusual Ideas to Make a Buzz
Reading Skill: Identifying the main idea of a paragraph 
READING 2: How Do You Decide?
Vocabulary Skill: Word families
Writing Skill: Writing a descriptive paragraph 
Grammar: Present continuous
Unit Assignment: Write a descriptive paragraph
UNIT 2 Psychology 18
Q: How do colors affect the way we feel?
READING 1: How Colors Make Us Think and Feel
Reading Skill: Getting meaning from context
READING 2: The Importance of Color in Business
Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes
Writing Skill: Brainstorming
Grammar: Future with will
Unit Assignment: Write a proposal for a business
UNIT 3 Social Psychology
Q: What does it mean to be polite?
READING 1: Being Polite from Culture to Culture
Reading Skill: Identifying supporting details
READING 2: Answers to All Your Travel Questions
Vocabulary Skill: Prefixes
Writing Skill: Supporting your main idea with examples
Grammar: Subject-verb agreement
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph with supporting examples

UNIT 4 Sociology
Q: What makes a competition unfair?
READING 1: Money and Sports
Reading Skill: Taking notes
READING 2: The Technology Advantage
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Writing Skill: Writing an opinion paragraph
Grammar: Modals
Unit Assignment: Write an opinion paragraph

UNIT 5 Business 
Q: What makes a family business successful?
READING 1: Family Unity Builds Success
Reading Skill: Skimming
READING 2: The Challenge of Running a Family Business
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Writing Skill: Unity in a paragraph 
Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives
Unit Assignment: Write a plan for a family business
UNIT 6 Information Technology 
Q: Do you prefer to get help from a person or a machine?
READING 1: Memo to Restaurant Servers
Reading Skill: Identifying the author’s purpose
READING 2: I Hate Machines!
Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
Writing Skill: Describing a process
Grammar: Infinitives of purpose
Unit Assignment: Write a paragraph describing a process
UNIT 7 Environmental Studies 
Q: Is it better to save what you have or buy new things?
READING 1: Think Before You Toss
Reading Skill: Identifying fact and opinion
READING 2: In Praise of the Throwaway Society
Vocabulary Skill: Phrasal verbs
Writing Skill: Using sentence variety
Grammar: Simple past and past continuous
Unit Assignment: Write an opinion paragraph

UNIT 8 Public Health 
Q: How can we prevent diseases?
READING 1: Flu FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Reading Skill: Synthesizing information
READING 2: Watching Over the Health of Millions
Vocabulary Skill: Collocations
Writing Skill: Writing an explanatory paragraph
Grammar: Adverbs of manner and degree
Unit Assignment: Create an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page




作者: 李霄翔、 陆松岩


出版社:北京大学出版社; ( 2019年07月01日 )

教材特色: 北大社重点推荐教材 1.原版引进,语言地道,主题丰富 2.强化技能,综合培养,提高语言与思维能力 3.多元文化展示,培养跨文化意识 4.优化教学模式,提供立体资源,构建自主学习平台





